Blog Posts

Top 10 reasons for STEM in early childhood education

Posted by Admin on March 11, 2022

Updated 6/18/24

In late 2020, we announced the addition of products that would support hands-on early learning in partnership with TTS International. In 2021, we released our first Little Book and added pre-K educators to Pitsco TAG. We’ve had a chance to connect with more educators and add new friends to the Pitsco family. And now we have an Early Childhood catalog. Time surely does fly when you’re having fun! 

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Topics: IN THE CLASSROOM, Elementary School, Science, Social and emotional learning, 21st Century Skills, STEAM, Math

The future is Fusion: Your next-gen dragster blank

Posted by Corinne Pachl on February 09, 2022

Updated 6/18/24

The world of education has evolved significantly over the years, yet Pitsco’s CO2 dragsters have remained a constant since the 1970s. Since its beginning, Pitsco’s dragster assortment has always offered two types of wooden blanks: balsa and basswood.

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Topics: IN THE CLASSROOM, Middle School, Competitions, STEM, TSA, Dragsters, Activities, Drafting

Sculpting with shadows: two Groundhog Day STEAM activities

Posted by Admin on February 02, 2022

Updated 6/18/24

I’m writing this while sitting in a coffee shop at a table near the door. Every time a new customer enters, I’m hit with a swirl of arctic air that chills me to the core. For me, that prognosticating groundhog can’t come out of his den soon enough.

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Topics: IN THE CLASSROOM, Middle School, Elementary School, IDEAS & INSPIRATION, Homeschool, Science, STEM, Activities, Hands-on Learning, STEAM

Activity: T-Bot® offers leverage for exploring simple machines

Posted by Admin on January 19, 2022

Updated 5/30/24

A great physical science education tool isn’t just exciting while you’re using it; it continues to provoke thought and make real-world connections well after you’ve placed it back on the shelf. Case in point: I recently spent time exploring Pitsco’s T-Bot® Hydraulic Arm. It was a fun challenge using the hydraulic robot arm to pick up and move blocks, and I thought about links to automation and heavy machinery as I used it. But, to my surprise, after I put the device away, what I really couldn’t stop thinking about was my own arm.

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Topics: IN THE CLASSROOM, Middle School, Elementary School, High School, ROBOTICS, Teacher Resources, Science, Technology, STEM, Authentic Learning, Activities, Hands-on Learning

Kid Inventors’ Day: Celebrating creativity in all young inventors

Posted by Admin on January 17, 2022

Updated 6/17/24

Kid Inventors’ Day, a day to celebrate young inventors of the past as well as encourage today’s inventors, falls on January 17, each year – a fitting nod to inventor Benjamin Franklin because its the same date as his birthday.

Franklin, most famous for being one of the founding fathers of the United States, is also known for several inventions, including the swim fins he created when he was only 11 years old!

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Topics: IN THE CLASSROOM, Middle School, Elementary School, High School, IDEAS & INSPIRATION, ROBOTICS, Resources, Authentic Learning, Activities, Hands-on Learning, innovate