Blog Posts

The future is Fusion: Your next-gen dragster blank

Posted by Corinne Pachl on February 09, 2022

Updated 6/18/24

The world of education has evolved significantly over the years, yet Pitsco’s CO2 dragsters have remained a constant since the 1970s. Since its beginning, Pitsco’s dragster assortment has always offered two types of wooden blanks: balsa and basswood.

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Topics: IN THE CLASSROOM, Middle School, Competitions, STEM, TSA, Dragsters, Activities, Drafting

CO2 dragster competition puts employability skills at the finish line

Posted by Admin on October 05, 2018

Updated 6/17/24

Think back to middle and high school. Were you a part of a club or two? Or maybe you were involved in basically everything that was offered? Have you ever reflected back to the time you spent in those organizations and the impact that experience had on your education and future? Maybe it was insignificant or incidental. But, maybe, the experience was pivotal to the person you became or to a career interest decision you made.

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Topics: Middle School, High School, BEYOND THE CLASSROOM, Competitions, Collaborations, STEM, TSA, Dragsters, Future Ready, 21st Century Skills, Maker Ed, Hands-on Learning