Blog Posts

Four ways to maximize your remaining budget

Posted by Kate Radell on June 19, 2024


Maximizing your budget can sometimes feel like a daunting task, especially during the end of a busy school year. But fear not! Here at Pitsco, we want to help you stretch those dollars further than ever before. In this blog, we’ll explore four ways to make the most of your remaining budget – from finalizing summer fun with STEAM activities to restocking for the upcoming school year, investing in your professional development, and trying out exciting new products, we’ve got all the tips you’ll need to ensure a successful summer and upcoming school year for both you and your students. Let’s dive in and make every penny count!

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Topics: IN THE CLASSROOM, Middle School, High School, BEYOND THE CLASSROOM, FUNDING, IDEAS & INSPIRATION, Teacher Resources, Science, STEM, Resources, Engineering, Teacher Development, Coding, Professional Development, Workforce Development

Savings, funding, and resources for educators!

Posted by Katlie Brynds on April 23, 2019

Updated 5/29/24

Sometimes, browsing the web can be a bit overwhelming – so many sites and so little time. So, when you discover a feature on a website that makes your experience better, easier, or quicker, you often think, “How did I ever live without this?” has some awesome features that you might not know about. So, to save you some time, let’s fill you in on everything you might be missing out on!

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Topics: FUNDING, IDEAS & INSPIRATION, Teacher Resources, STEM, Resources, Grants, Hands-on Learning

Education + business + industry: Partners in careers

Posted by Admin on December 15, 2018

Updated 6/6/24

When it comes to education and business, we often think of them as two separate entities. While education, especially higher education, presumably leads to a career, there isn’t always a clear connection between what we learn in school and the skills we end up using on the job.

“Employers don’t speak the same language as educators,” said Mary Paramore, a profiler for ACT® WorkKeys®, “and most teachers haven’t worked in . . . local businesses and industries.”

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Topics: IN THE CLASSROOM, FUNDING, IDEAS & INSPIRATION, Culture, STEM, Trends, Careers, Career Expeditions, 21st Century Skills, Hands-on Learning, Workforce Development

Grant resources for educators

Posted by Admin on May 18, 2018

Updated 5/29/24

A timeless challenge for educators is often funding. Let us offer some resources to get your grant planning off to a good start.

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Topics: FUNDING, Teacher Resources, Science, STEM, Grants

9 Funding tips for FTC robotics teams

Posted by Admin on November 22, 2016

Updated 4/11/24

Are you looking for FIRST® Tech Challenge (FTC®) funding? We have your inspiration. Well, we can’t take credit for it. In the past, @TETRIXrobotics and several FTC teams got into a conversation about the best ways to get funding for robotics. It started when Team 8566 The Firebirds said they were struggling to find enough money. Other teams were quick to step up and offer their best tips. You might find them helpful too, so here some of their comments and a bonus option:

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