Blog Posts

Katlie Brynds

Katlie Brynds
Hey there! I spend my days as the STEM portfolio manager; developing new STEM products and creating STEM-related campaigns and initiatives. I also work to improve our web appearance and functionality by designing new landing pages and populating product pages with valuable resources and information. The last 4+ years have really enabled me to grow in collaboration with the Pitsco Marketing Team. I’m a proud alum of Pittsburg State University (Go Gorillas)! In my free time, you can often find me watching a sporting event or frequenting the local Mexican restaurants! In case you were wondering… I’m #TeamGuac.

Recent Posts

How do bicycles work? The science behind this ‘simple’ machine.

Posted by Katlie Brynds on June 07, 2019

Updated 6/11/24

Bicycles are used by millions of people worldwide, for various reasons. People bicycle to work out, commute, deliver packages, compete in races, or just ride for fun. Riding a bicycle might seem easy to some, but it’s actually very complex. Both the rider and the bike play an integral role in the process, which is really more of a science than an art. So, how exactly does this two-wheeled object get us from Point A to Point B?

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Topics: IDEAS & INSPIRATION, Science, Resources, Engineering, Physics

Savings, funding, and resources for educators!

Posted by Katlie Brynds on April 23, 2019

Updated 5/29/24

Sometimes, browsing the web can be a bit overwhelming – so many sites and so little time. So, when you discover a feature on a website that makes your experience better, easier, or quicker, you often think, “How did I ever live without this?” has some awesome features that you might not know about. So, to save you some time, let’s fill you in on everything you might be missing out on!

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Topics: FUNDING, IDEAS & INSPIRATION, Teacher Resources, STEM, Resources, Grants, Hands-on Learning

That sinking feeling – what the plunge of a roller coaster causes

Posted by Katlie Brynds on August 16, 2018

Updated 6/18/24

Imagine being on a roller coaster. You’re heading up the first big hill, and all of a sudden, the car tips over the top and plunges down the loop. You can feel yourself rising from the seat, and its as though your insides are floating. The weightless feeling you experience in this situation isnt an illusion. If you had a scale, you would find that you actually weigh less in that moment.

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