Blog Posts

Introducing the Echo Drone: Enhancing education with Pitsco’s latest innovation

Posted by Abi Dreyer on February 16, 2024

In the fast-evolving landscape of educational technology, Pitsco Education continues to push boundaries with our latest addition to the drone continuum: the Echo Drone. This proprietary drone comes at a pivotal moment, addressing the growing demand for affordable indoor drones in classrooms and beyond. As major players such as DJI discontinue their educational hardware lines, we are stepping in to fill the gap and offering a comprehensive solution tailored for Grades 6-12+.

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Topics: Middle School, High School, Competitions, STEM, Engineering, Careers, Future Ready, Hands-on Learning, Physics

The science behind the perfect pie dough

Posted by Corinne Pachl on January 20, 2022

Updated 6/10/24

Pie! It’s my favorite dessert to eat, and, as an amateur baker, it’s my favorite dessert to make from scratch. Nothing is more comforting than the scent of an apple pie baking in the oven, especially on a cool, cozy day!

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Topics: BEYOND THE CLASSROOM, STEM, Activities, Hands-on Learning, Physics, Inquiry-based Learning

Sound experiments for students: Going analog with a tin can telephone

Posted by Deidre Galloway on January 19, 2021

Updated 6/5/24

January 19 is National Tin Can Day. Yep, there really is a day for everything it seems. So why recognize this one? Well, we can’t pass up the opportunity for some hands-on learning! Tin cans are celebrated for the advancements they brought to food preservation in the early 1800s. Outside of their primary purpose, I’m thinking about celebrating the science of the tin can telephones. The Guinness World Record for the longest functioning tin can telephone is 1,226 feet!

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Topics: IN THE CLASSROOM, BEYOND THE CLASSROOM, IDEAS & INSPIRATION, Science, STEM, Resources, Activities, Hands-on Learning, Physics, innovate

Get bowled over at home or in the classroom

Posted by Admin on August 03, 2020

Updated 6/10/24

Summer means it’s a great time for indoor sports and activities to help keep cool, and, for me, that always includes bowling! Bowling is one of those awesome pastimes I like because I can take any of my friends, regardless of skill level, and we can all have a good time and hang out.

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Topics: IN THE CLASSROOM, IDEAS & INSPIRATION, Homeschool, STEM, Engineering, Activities, Hands-on Learning, Physics

Yo-Yo physics: Practice the science that make yo-yos so much fun

Posted by Admin on June 13, 2020

Updated 6/10/24

When I was in fifth grade, I was almost in a yo-yo commercial. Looking back now, I wonder if knowing the physics behind yo-yoing would have helped me land that commercial. Who knows? Maybe I’d be a famous actress – or yo-yoer – by now.

It was a simple stroke of luck that I was even considered for the commercial to begin with. I wasn’t one of those kids who went out on casting calls or anything like that. But one of my classmates was going to be in this commercial, and his mom thought, since he and I were the same height, we’d yo-yo well together, I guess.

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Topics: BEYOND THE CLASSROOM, IDEAS & INSPIRATION, Science, STEM, Trends, Activities, Hands-on Learning, Physics