Blog Posts

Revealing five sunscreen myths with STEM: Science-backed protection

Posted by Kate Radell on June 10, 2024

In today’s blog, we’re going to be bustin’ myths about sunscreen so you can enjoy soakin’ in the Sun safely! Now, trust me, I get it – applying sunscreen might not be the most exciting part of your day, but, as we all know, it is crucial we try to protect our skin in the best way possible! That’s why we are going to take a deeper look at five popular sunscreen myths and use our STEM knowledge to either debunk or confirm these claims, ensuring you have all the facts necessary to keep your skin heathy and safe all summer long.

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Topics: BEYOND THE CLASSROOM, Camps, Science, STEM, Trends, Resources, Authentic Learning, Future Ready, innovate, Inquiry-based Learning

The science behind the perfect pie dough

Posted by Corinne Pachl on January 20, 2022

Updated 6/10/24

Pie! It’s my favorite dessert to eat, and, as an amateur baker, it’s my favorite dessert to make from scratch. Nothing is more comforting than the scent of an apple pie baking in the oven, especially on a cool, cozy day!

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Topics: BEYOND THE CLASSROOM, STEM, Activities, Hands-on Learning, Physics, Inquiry-based Learning

STEM/STEAM inspires students! Let’s innovate (N-OV-8)

Posted by Corinne Pachl on November 08, 2021

Updated 6/17/24

It’s a bit hazy and, arguably, debatable as to when STEM actually became a “thing.” Some contend it’s been around since the race for space was initiated in the late 1950s/early 1960s. Others say it‘s been present since the 1970s/1980s when huge technological advances were occurring (i.e., the Macintosh and first cell phone). Still others will proffer it was the 1990s when education councils were setting curriculum standards with more emphasis for science, technology, engineering, and math.

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Topics: Middle School, Elementary School, High School, ROBOTICS, Science, Technology, STEM, Engineering, Coding, Authentic Learning, Activities, TETRIX Robotics, Hands-on Learning, STEAM, innovate, Inquiry-based Learning, Art

Entrepreneur: STEM skills + innovation

Posted by Admin on January 08, 2021

Updated 6/4/24

An idea.💡 Started from scratch.📝  From a brilliant mind. 🧠

That’s exactly where entrepreneurship begins.

I’m guessing we all know or can think of someone who is defined as an entrepreneur such as Elon Musk, Walt Disney, Steve Jobs, or maybe someone you know personally. For me, it’s my brother.

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Topics: BEYOND THE CLASSROOM, Competitions, IDEAS & INSPIRATION, Teacher Resources, Culture, Technology, STEM, Trends, Resources, Engineering, Careers, Professional Development, Activities, Career Expeditions, Future Ready, 21st Century Skills, Hands-on Learning, STEAM, innovate, Workforce Development, Inquiry-based Learning

Using inquiry-based learning in your elementary classroom – including coding education

Posted by Natalie Vanderbeck on November 10, 2018

Updated 6/13/24

Inquiry-based learning isn’t a new idea in education. While writing my master’s thesis, I studied science classrooms that utilized inquiry-based learning vs traditional teacher-led learning. To be certain we’re all on the same page, let’s define inquiry-based learning: “a student-centered approach where the instructor guides the students through questions posed, methods designed, and data interpreted by the students. Through inquiry, students actively discover information to support their investigations.”

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Topics: IN THE CLASSROOM, Elementary School, ROBOTICS, Collaborations, Technology, Coding, Social and emotional learning, Hands-on Learning, Inquiry-based Learning