Blog Posts

T-Bot® Hydraulic Arm: Improved features add even more learning

Posted by Admin on November 01, 2021

Updated 5/30/24

Nobody at Pitsco quite remembers for sure, but legend has it that the T in T-Bot® Hydraulic Arm stands for team.

It makes sense. The four syringes that drive the robot’s hydraulically powered movement can be held and operated separately. Each syringe affects a different axis. This naturally lends itself to several possibilities for problem-solving activities with multiple students. With a group of four students, give each student a syringe, assign the group a pick-and-place task, and watch all four communicate, cooperate, and think critically to get the job done.

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Topics: IN THE CLASSROOM, Middle School, High School, Collaborations, Technology, STEM, Engineering, Authentic Learning, 21st Century Skills, Hands-on Learning, Math, Workforce Development

5 easy steps to start teaching drones

Posted by Admin on September 14, 2021

Updated 6/13/24

Drones, small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (sUAS), are becoming essential tools in a wide range of industries. Agriculture, construction, real estate, filmmaking, surveying, infrastructure inspection, supply chain management, and law enforcement have all felt the impact of this technology. Naturally, this presents a golden opportunity for career and technical education.

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Topics: IN THE CLASSROOM, Competitions, Teacher Resources, Technology, STEM, Trends, Resources, Engineering, Teacher Development, USAR, Activities, 21st Century Skills, Hands-on Learning

Refocus, recharge, and replenish: Tips for educators in the classroom

Posted by Susan Gaboriau on August 12, 2021

Updated 6/3/24

Now and then, we need to take a step back to refocus and recharge ourselves. 

You know that time during the school year when you need that extra little charge? Do you need to refocus? With all teachers have on their plates, sometimes we get exhausted! We stay up late grading or coming up with and preparing great lessons.

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Topics: IN THE CLASSROOM, BEYOND THE CLASSROOM, IDEAS & INSPIRATION, Teacher Resources, Collaborations, Culture, Resources

Celebrating a picturesque day: Photography and STEM fun

Posted by Preston Frazier on August 10, 2021

Updated 6/4/24

“To me, photography is an art of observation. It’s about finding something interesting in an ordinary place. . . I’ve found it has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them.” – Elliott Erwitt

“Picture” this for a moment. Imagine there was a day that “captures” the essence of snapping photos from all around the world. Wouldn’t that be great?

Now, don’t “zoom” to conclusions, but I have some good news to share. If you can look past my cheesy puns and dad jokes, the good news is there is a day for amazing picture takers everywhere.

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Topics: IN THE CLASSROOM, IDEAS & INSPIRATION, Teacher Resources, Technology, STEM, Resources, Activities, STEAM, Workforce Development, Art

Chess in education: Get a program started in your school or classroom

Posted by Melissa Karsten on July 13, 2021

Updated 6/4/24

The pandemic helped grow the popularity of chess exponentially. Makes sense, right? The game only takes two people to play, and, although it has a social aspect, the online versions are generally easy to use. By playing chess, almost anyone can learn critical-thinking, problem-solving, and abstract-reasoning skills at some level. And inventiveness can overcome any boundaries of accessibility.

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Topics: IN THE CLASSROOM, IDEAS & INSPIRATION, Teacher Resources, Technology, STEM, Trends, Resources, Engineering, Activities, Hands-on Learning, Math