Blog Posts

Top 10 reasons for STEM in early childhood education

Posted by Admin on March 11, 2022

Updated 6/18/24

In late 2020, we announced the addition of products that would support hands-on early learning in partnership with TTS International. In 2021, we released our first Little Book and added pre-K educators to Pitsco TAG. We’ve had a chance to connect with more educators and add new friends to the Pitsco family. And now we have an Early Childhood catalog. Time surely does fly when you’re having fun! 

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Topics: IN THE CLASSROOM, Elementary School, Science, Social and emotional learning, 21st Century Skills, STEAM, Math

T-Bot® Hydraulic Arm: Improved features add even more learning

Posted by Admin on November 01, 2021

Updated 5/30/24

Nobody at Pitsco quite remembers for sure, but legend has it that the T in T-Bot® Hydraulic Arm stands for team.

It makes sense. The four syringes that drive the robot’s hydraulically powered movement can be held and operated separately. Each syringe affects a different axis. This naturally lends itself to several possibilities for problem-solving activities with multiple students. With a group of four students, give each student a syringe, assign the group a pick-and-place task, and watch all four communicate, cooperate, and think critically to get the job done.

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Topics: IN THE CLASSROOM, Middle School, High School, Collaborations, Technology, STEM, Engineering, Authentic Learning, 21st Century Skills, Hands-on Learning, Math, Workforce Development

Chess in education: Get a program started in your school or classroom

Posted by Melissa Karsten on July 13, 2021

Updated 6/4/24

The pandemic helped grow the popularity of chess exponentially. Makes sense, right? The game only takes two people to play, and, although it has a social aspect, the online versions are generally easy to use. By playing chess, almost anyone can learn critical-thinking, problem-solving, and abstract-reasoning skills at some level. And inventiveness can overcome any boundaries of accessibility.

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Topics: IN THE CLASSROOM, IDEAS & INSPIRATION, Teacher Resources, Technology, STEM, Trends, Resources, Engineering, Activities, Hands-on Learning, Math

Teaming up with STEM: How sports and learning connect

Posted by Admin on April 16, 2021

Updated 6/4/24

Movies and TV shows portray the stereotype of jocks and nerds as people who are completely different and share nothing in common. But this cliché is far from the truth! Brainpower and physical power go hand in hand – the subjects we learn in the classroom connect with the sports we watch and compete in.

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Topics: IN THE CLASSROOM, BEYOND THE CLASSROOM, Competitions, IDEAS & INSPIRATION, ROBOTICS, Teacher Resources, Science, FIRST Tech Challenge, Technology, STEM, Trends, Resources, Engineering, Coding, Authentic Learning, Activities, TETRIX Robotics, Hands-on Learning, Math

Puzzle time! The brain benefits of solving

Posted by Admin on January 28, 2021

Updated 6/5/24

Sometimes, we need to all step away from our screens and devices to unplug and work out . . . OK, don’t leave just yet! I mean a mental workout! Various types of puzzles and brain teasers are great ways to exercise your noodle or fun ways to pass the time. I for one am a huge fan of puzzles. Jigsaw puzzles, crossword puzzles, riddles – you name it, I love them. Luckily, there are lots of benefits to puzzling and, plus, the aha moments never get old.

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Topics: IN THE CLASSROOM, IDEAS & INSPIRATION, Teacher Resources, STEM, Resources, Authentic Learning, Social and emotional learning, Activities, Hands-on Learning, Math