Blog Posts

Teaming up with STEM: How sports and learning connect

Posted by Admin on April 16, 2021

Updated 6/4/24

Movies and TV shows portray the stereotype of jocks and nerds as people who are completely different and share nothing in common. But this cliché is far from the truth! Brainpower and physical power go hand in hand – the subjects we learn in the classroom connect with the sports we watch and compete in.

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Topics: IN THE CLASSROOM, BEYOND THE CLASSROOM, Competitions, IDEAS & INSPIRATION, ROBOTICS, Teacher Resources, Science, FIRST Tech Challenge, Technology, STEM, Trends, Resources, Engineering, Coding, Authentic Learning, Activities, TETRIX Robotics, Hands-on Learning, Math

Does your robot’s motor have enough power?

Posted by Admin on September 18, 2017

Updated 4/23/24

Every FIRST® Tech Challenge season, students need the best parts to build a robot that can handle the rigors of competition. To complement the unmatched durability of the TETRIX® MAX building system, our robot guys created the TorqueNADO®, a powerful 12-volt DC motor with built-in encoder. This is a motor you don’t want to miss.

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Topics: IN THE CLASSROOM, Competitions, IDEAS & INSPIRATION, ROBOTICS, Makerspaces, FIRST Tech Challenge, Technology

Avoid short battery life with maintenance

Posted by Admin on February 28, 2017

Updated 4/11/24

Rechargeable battery packs for robotics are an investment and a good one. They provide a lot more power than traditional batteries plunked into a battery holder and they can be recharged for hundreds of uses, which makes them more cost effective in the long run.

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Topics: Competitions, IDEAS & INSPIRATION, ROBOTICS, Teacher Resources, FIRST Tech Challenge