Blog Posts


A few of Pitsco’s cool staffers contributed their knowledge and time to this post. We’re proud to have a great group of developers, writers, managers, builders, and creatives who can help bring the Pitsco Blog to life.

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Clean energy DIY: KidWind inspires stunning TETRIX® wind turbines

Posted by Admin on August 02, 2022

Updated 6/15/24

Alternative, or renewable, energy is a growing field, with solar, wind, water, geothermal, bioenergy, and nuclear resources all contributing. According to, “the clean energy industry generates hundreds of billions in economic activity and is expected to continue to grow rapidly in the coming years”.

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Topics: Competitions, ROBOTICS, Engineering, TETRIX Robotics, Hands-on Learning

Make your camp/summer learning program planning easy

Posted by Admin on May 03, 2022

Updated 6/6/10/24

Summer is on the way! And that means camps are right around the corner. When we think of a summer camp, we picture pitching a tent or sitting around a campfire roasting s’mores or maybe kayaking across the lake. But, what about learning? Just because the school year is over, that doesn’t mean learning must come to an end too.

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Topics: Middle School, BEYOND THE CLASSROOM, Camps, STEM, Hands-on Learning

Top 10 reasons for STEM in early childhood education

Posted by Admin on March 11, 2022

Updated 6/18/24

In late 2020, we announced the addition of products that would support hands-on early learning in partnership with TTS International. In 2021, we released our first Little Book and added pre-K educators to Pitsco TAG. We’ve had a chance to connect with more educators and add new friends to the Pitsco family. And now we have an Early Childhood catalog. Time surely does fly when you’re having fun! 

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Topics: IN THE CLASSROOM, Elementary School, Science, Social and emotional learning, 21st Century Skills, STEAM, Math

Force of Attraction: How magnets attract and repel

Posted by Admin on February 11, 2022

Updated 6/18/24

We’ve all heard the term opposites attract. While this can be true of love interests, we’ll just stick to a topic we can all agree on: SCIENCE!

Like any two people on Earth, magnets can either attract or repel each other. What causes these “feelings” between two inanimate objects? The force, of course! Well, not that force but magnetic force! This is called magnetism. Like electricity and gravity, magnetism is a basic force of nature.

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Topics: IDEAS & INSPIRATION, Science, STEM, Activities, Hands-on Learning, Art

Sculpting with shadows: two Groundhog Day STEAM activities

Posted by Admin on February 02, 2022

Updated 6/18/24

I’m writing this while sitting in a coffee shop at a table near the door. Every time a new customer enters, I’m hit with a swirl of arctic air that chills me to the core. For me, that prognosticating groundhog can’t come out of his den soon enough.

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Topics: IN THE CLASSROOM, Middle School, Elementary School, IDEAS & INSPIRATION, Homeschool, Science, STEM, Activities, Hands-on Learning, STEAM