Blog Posts

Kid Inventors’ Day: Celebrating creativity in all young inventors

Posted by Admin on January 17, 2022

Updated 6/17/24

Kid Inventors’ Day, a day to celebrate young inventors of the past as well as encourage today’s inventors, falls on January 17, each year – a fitting nod to inventor Benjamin Franklin because its the same date as his birthday.

Franklin, most famous for being one of the founding fathers of the United States, is also known for several inventions, including the swim fins he created when he was only 11 years old!

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Topics: IN THE CLASSROOM, Middle School, Elementary School, High School, IDEAS & INSPIRATION, ROBOTICS, Resources, Authentic Learning, Activities, Hands-on Learning, innovate

STEM/STEAM inspires students! Let’s innovate (N-OV-8)

Posted by Corinne Pachl on November 08, 2021

Updated 6/17/24

It’s a bit hazy and, arguably, debatable as to when STEM actually became a “thing.” Some contend it’s been around since the race for space was initiated in the late 1950s/early 1960s. Others say it‘s been present since the 1970s/1980s when huge technological advances were occurring (i.e., the Macintosh and first cell phone). Still others will proffer it was the 1990s when education councils were setting curriculum standards with more emphasis for science, technology, engineering, and math.

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Topics: Middle School, Elementary School, High School, ROBOTICS, Science, Technology, STEM, Engineering, Coding, Authentic Learning, Activities, TETRIX Robotics, Hands-on Learning, STEAM, innovate, Inquiry-based Learning, Art

Teaming up with STEM: How sports and learning connect

Posted by Admin on April 16, 2021

Updated 6/4/24

Movies and TV shows portray the stereotype of jocks and nerds as people who are completely different and share nothing in common. But this cliché is far from the truth! Brainpower and physical power go hand in hand – the subjects we learn in the classroom connect with the sports we watch and compete in.

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Topics: IN THE CLASSROOM, BEYOND THE CLASSROOM, Competitions, IDEAS & INSPIRATION, ROBOTICS, Teacher Resources, Science, FIRST Tech Challenge, Technology, STEM, Trends, Resources, Engineering, Coding, Authentic Learning, Activities, TETRIX Robotics, Hands-on Learning, Math

Drone curriculum for middle and high schools

Posted by Preston Frazier on January 27, 2021

Updated 6/4/24

We have exciting curriculum options at Pitsco Education, especially around an emerging technology: drones.

We’ve all heard about drones and how they’re becoming more and more prevalent in our lives.

  • HVAC companies are using drones to inspect hard-to-reach places.
  • Farmers are using drones to survey crops to determine which crops are healthy and which ones are not.
  • And, yes, drones are even being used to wash windows!
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Topics: IN THE CLASSROOM, Competitions, ROBOTICS, Technology, STEM, Trends, Careers, Coding, Professional Development, Career Expeditions, Future Ready, Hands-on Learning, innovate, Workforce Development

Translating Morse code into learning

Posted by Admin on July 23, 2020

Updated 6/17/24

When I was young, there was one day that my dad kept making these weird noises. “Daw, dee dee, daw, daw, daw.” I was very, very confused by these seemingly random sounds he was making, but then he said it was actually a sort of secret language. Talk about catching a kid’s interest! He was explaining Morse code to me and showed me the alphabet as it’s written — dots and dashes.

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Topics: IN THE CLASSROOM, BEYOND THE CLASSROOM, IDEAS & INSPIRATION, ROBOTICS, Culture, Technology, Trends, Resources, Coding, Activities, Hands-on Learning, STEAM