Blog Posts

Education + business + industry: Partners in careers

Posted by Admin on December 15, 2018

Updated 6/6/24

When it comes to education and business, we often think of them as two separate entities. While education, especially higher education, presumably leads to a career, there isn’t always a clear connection between what we learn in school and the skills we end up using on the job.

“Employers don’t speak the same language as educators,” said Mary Paramore, a profiler for ACT® WorkKeys®, “and most teachers haven’t worked in . . . local businesses and industries.”

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Topics: IN THE CLASSROOM, FUNDING, IDEAS & INSPIRATION, Culture, STEM, Trends, Careers, Career Expeditions, 21st Century Skills, Hands-on Learning, Workforce Development

There’s no substitute for hands-on learning

Posted by Melissa Karsten on October 25, 2018

Updated 6/17/24

Twenty-first century students tend to thrive in fully immersive educational experiences and embrace social learning environments where they can be hands on. How can this influence your students’ future education goals and careers? A great example of this is in North Carolina. Engineers engrained in a hands-on movement there, along with other professionals and sources, tell us real-world, hands-on learning provides many long-lasting benefits.

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Topics: IN THE CLASSROOM, Technology, STEM, Engineering, Careers, Social and emotional learning, 21st Century Skills, Hands-on Learning

Your next STEM mentors: Senior citizens

Posted by Admin on August 22, 2018

Updated 6/18/24

National Senior Citizens Day is August 21 every year. First designated as such in 1988 by President Ronald Reagan, National Senior Citizens Day recognizes the importance of senior citizens in our personal lives as well as in our communities.

As we’ve all seen, senior citizens have a lot to offer, including time, patience, and love, and they are overwhelmingly willing to offer it up freely! Many nursing home centers have recognized the importance of senior citizens and the value they bring to children. Some centers house both an elderly care facility as well as a child care center where young and old sit side by side, participating in music, art, and other activities. The nursing home residents serve as friends, mentors, and stand-in grandparents while the children, who see everything through eyes of wonder, provide laughter, joy, and boundless energy.

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Topics: IN THE CLASSROOM, IDEAS & INSPIRATION, Culture, STEM, Careers, Authentic Learning, Hands-on Learning

Making a curriculum switch from Modules to Expeditions

Posted by Admin on March 26, 2018

Updated 5/24/24

PLACENTIA, CA – Doubt. Skepticism. Uncertainty. Complacency. Fear of the unknown. . . . All can be obstacles for not changing curriculum.

And all can be barriers to progress.

Placentia-Yorba Linda Unified School District (PYLUSD) administrators and teachers did their homework when researching new middle-level career-discovery labs and found multiple reasons to make a switch following their decade-long successful run with Pitsco Education’s Modules program: challenge, belief, opportunity, careers, discovery, trust, and future.

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Topics: IN THE CLASSROOM, Middle School, ADMINISTRATION & THOUGHT LEADERSHIP, STEM, Careers, STEM Expeditions, Authentic Learning