Blog Posts

Making STEM connections using project-based learning

Posted by Admin on October 08, 2020

Updated 6/18/24

Have you heard the buzz about project-based learning (PBL)? The educational community has been talking about it for a while, but what’s the big deal anyway? How is PBL different from other projects students complete in class? An easy and often-used way of understanding the difference between doing projects and PBL is to think of it in terms of food.

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Topics: Middle School, IDEAS & INSPIRATION, Teacher Resources, Collaborations, STEM, Trends, Resources, Engineering, STEM Expeditions, Teacher Development, STEM Units, Professional Development, Activities, Hands-on Learning, STEAM

Teacher tips for a new school year

Posted by Admin on August 15, 2019

Updated 6/11/24

The first day of school is right around the corner. Can you believe it?! For both students and teachers, the first day can be a mix of emotions – but take a deep breath because we’ve got you covered.

We asked educators on social media to share their best practices for embarking on their first day of school, and with those answers, we crafted simple yet practical tips for you.

It’s never too early to start preparing for the new year. So, before your classroom is full of kids and excitement, try using some of these tips and tricks to start your school year off on the right foot. Remember, the first couple of days can set the stage for the rest of the year, and we want this to be your best year yet! So, let’s jump in!

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Topics: IN THE CLASSROOM, Middle School, Elementary School, High School, Teacher Resources, Culture, Teacher Development, Social and emotional learning, Professional Development