Blog Posts

Using Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) for personal growth as a teacher

Posted by Admin on December 06, 2021

(Authored by Jim Brown and James Jones, members of The Ambassador Group for Pitsco Education.)

Updated 6/18/24

Teachers of all grade levels face challenges on a daily basis, from elementary teachers tasked with teaching young students to read and recognize shapes and sounds to middle school teachers working with students who are beginning to gain more independence and figuring out their place in the world to high school teachers trying to prepare burgeoning adults for the real world.

In order to help students grow intellectually and emotionally, and to continue meeting their thirst for knowledge, we ourselves must stay thirsty – for knowledge, understanding, and new ways of teaching and reaching our students.

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Topics: Middle School, Elementary School, High School, BEYOND THE CLASSROOM, IDEAS & INSPIRATION, Teacher Resources, Collaborations, Resources, Careers, Teacher Development, Professional Development, Conferences