Pitsco Blog

Helping finance your classroom

Written by Katlie Brynds | October 21, 2019

Classroom funding is a hard topic. We know educators sacrifice and work diligently to creatively supply resources and opportunities for their students and initiatives. If you’re looking to fund a special project, stocking your STEM lab, or a hands-on classroom activity, it’s likely you’ve looked for grants. We are proud to award a $350 grant each month to assist with making hands-on learning possible!

Having trouble funding your STEM lab or hands-on classroom activities? The $350 Pitsco Grant is awarded in the form of a voucher that may be used to purchase hands-on STEM products, curriculum, and more on our website. Submit an application today!

Pitsco Grant Recipients Share Experiences

We’ve provided this opportunity in some form or another for the last number of years. From time to time, we like to check back in with past grant recipients to see how they used their funds and how the purchase(s) positively affected student learning. Here’s what they shared:

Richard M. Jones, Ed.D., Associate Professor of Science Education, University of Hawai‘i-West O‘ahu – May 2018 Grant Recipient

We purchased Solar Cars, Balloon Car Explore-A-Pack, EZ Trebuchets Class Pack and teacher’s guide, and EZ Catapults Class Pack and teacher’s guide. My goal was to provide engaging hands-on and minds-on activities for students and teachers that align with the NGSS and the three dimensions. Additionally, the trebuchets and catapults were used to engage students in technology of the Middle Ages. I wanted to use solar racers because we have a car race every semester, and I wanted some options for students who are unable to design and build their own cars due to special needs, and so on.

My students really enjoyed the whole experience with all the kits. They especially liked the balloon cars and wanted to make several of the designs. This actually inspired them to want to create their own designs or look on the web for other designs that could be powered by balloons. 

My students, as well as teachers and students from other parts of Hawaii, have had the opportunity to not only engage in hands-on and minds-on activities that align with the NGSS and the three dimensions, but they also were able to take modern, easy-to-build-and-use examples or Middle Ages engineering marvels home to share with family and colleagues.

Javeia McCoy, James A. Lane Boys & Girls Club, Huntsville, Alabama – September 2018 Grant Recipient

The James A. Lane Boys & Girls Club STEM Lab purchased the Exploring Flight Elementary STEM Unit. We intended for the materials and coursework to be an introductory STEM program for socioeconomically disadvantaged youth aged K-2. This is due to the fact that these students have limited access to STEM classes. This product was the first introduction these youth have had with the engineering design process. It is a great opportunity to teach soft skills such as team building and perseverance. We loved the program because it has inspired so many young children’s lives!

Yajiong (Lucky) Xue, STEM Teacher, Greenville Chinese School – January 2019 Grant Recipient

We purchased the UBTECH UKIT Beginner with our Pitsco Grant. My students seemed to be most interested in this product. Lots of scientific concepts can be taught using this product. The pilot course was taught in two small group settings. Both went well. Both sessions were designed to teach students language and science at the same time. When they built an object – for example, an elephant – all related parts of the elephant (head, eye, trunk, tusk, mouth, and so forth) were taught in a different language. My students found it’s easy to learn a different language in this way. Students were encouraged to learn the iterative design process when they work on the product. They got to know the importance of prototyping, testing, analyzing, and refining.

Learn More About Our Grant Opportunities 

We know the need is great and the options sometimes seem hard to obtain. With persistence and preparation, it IS possible. There’s great opportunity for funding hands-on learning. Our team at Pitsco has put together this informative guide with tips on applying for funding for your school or organization. Whether you seek to fund a robotics engineering unit, a makerspace within your school’s library, a rocketry and aeronautics club, or an Expeditions lab with a focus on regional industries, this guide will give you the footing needed to take the next step toward funding that could make your dream a reality.

Hunting for grants is a daunting process, especially for a newcomer. Achieving liftoff for your new classroom project really can be one percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration. But stay the course and don’t lose heart. The impact you make in the lives of our young people is worth the sweat and even the tears. With experience, you will become a master.

And remember, we’ve got your back.

Pitsco Grant Application

Pitsco Grants Guide