Pitsco Blog

Your reading roundup: Articles to encourage and inspire educators like you

Written by Melissa Karsten | February 08, 2020

Your list of things to do is likely long – things to grade, read, and review. With so much to do, sometimes you just need a minute. Whether you’re waiting on someone or something or procrastinating on a project you don’t know how to tackle, it can be easy to let your focus drift somewhere else, especially with the world just a few clicks away.

Are you doing it right now? Wait, that’s OK! That distraction trap isn’t all bad. Science even supports brain breaks (Psychology Today). In fact, taking a few minutes to do something else can make you more effective. Ultimately, a walk, a power nap, or a conversation might do more, but sometimes those aren’t possible. Even reading something else unrelated to what you’ve been doing can be enough to give you a recharge.

We’ve gathered some great articles that let you know what educators are doing and experiencing across the nation. There’s a wide range of topics, but they all focus on educators like you. We hope you’ll take a peek into a few of these topics. Who knows what inspiration you might find to keep doing the great things you do!

Ecosystems and Collaboration

Coding and Robotics

Classroom Inspiration

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“How Do Work Breaks Help Your Brain? 5 Surprising Answers”