Blog Posts

Jessica Witman

Jessica Witman
Hi, all! I am the editing coordinator at Pitsco Education and absolutely love what we do here! I am a huge fan of learning new things and DIY projects. As a visual and tactile learner, I am the type who always reads the instructions when working on a project. I believe a good song can set the mood for any day, and laughter really is the best medicine. I enjoy working on jigsaw puzzles and crafts in my little corner of the woods where I live with my dog, Opie, and my two cats, Gracie and Mouse.

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Aviation Day: The history of flight

Posted by Jessica Witman on August 19, 2021

National Aviation Day is August 19. It seems only right to celebrate the marvel that is aviation. We are living in a world where you can fly from one side of the country to the other in a matter of hours, take romantic hot-air balloon rides, have family fun on windy days flying kites, watch real-time space flights never before thought of, and have a drone deliver packages to your door. But to understand how we got to this point, we need to look into the past.

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